Il Greggio Iracheno non tira. Mancano compratori.

Il Greggio Iracheno non tira. Mancano compratori.

Competizione per l'olio iracheno Il Greggio Iracheno non tira. Mancano compratori.

In un recente articolo apparso sul Financial Times, viene presentato l’elenco degli appalti da assegnare per l’estrazione di greggio in Iraq. L’articolo di Carola Hoyos, Helen Warrell e Steve Bernard riporta testualmente quanto segue:

[ad]Iraq’s early attempts to attract foreign investment into its oil sector have been largely unsuccessful so far, as Tuesday’s auctions of six oil fields and two gas fields have yielded only one sale. BP of the UK and China’s CNPC agreed to Baghdad’s tough pricing terms, and will turn the South Rumaila field into the world’s second largest oil producer. However, the remaining oil and gas fields, including the highly sought-after West Qurna field, did not attract high enough bids to meet the Iraqi oil ministry’s conditions.


Hussein Shahristani – the oil minister already under fire for not having done more to regenerate the dilapidated oil industry since the 2003 toppling of the Saddam Hussein’s regime – is likely to come under increased pressure as the contract discussions continue.

See the available oil and gas fields on the interactive map below, and click on the individual fields in the left-hand panel to find out which companies are bidding and how their negotiations with the Iraqi oil ministry have progressed. The graphic will be updated as the individual auctions are formally concluded.

ENI ed EDISON sono tra le compagnie che hanno proposto un’offerta. Entrambi in posizione di vantaggio sulla concorrenza.


I dati sono presi da Petroleum Economist: si legge in particolare:


MPs issued a summons on 16 June to oil minister Hussain Shahristani to answer questions about the government’s plans to auction off services contracts for oilfield development to foreign companies. Among other senior oil executives expected to testify before a parliamentary committee are South Oil Company head, Fayad al-Nema, and Iraq Drilling Company head, Idrees Yassiri.

First oil exports from the Kurdistan Regional Government provinces began on 1 June. The DNO-operated TawkeTaq Taq field 40,000 b/d. Exports from Tawke will link with the Iraq-Turkey export pipeline at the border town of Fishkhabur, while Taq Taq oil will be trucked from Erbil before connecting with the same pipeline. field is expected to produce 50,000 b/d and the Genel Enerji/Addax Petroleum-operated.

Iraq: Shahristani battles Kurds and MPs over production failures

THE COUNTRY’s embattled oil minister, Hussain al-Shahristani, is persisting with his hard-line stance towards the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) over its production-sharing agreements with international oil companies (IOCs). But there is growing disquiet among senior Iraqi oil industry officials over his general handling of the hydrocarbons brief.

Although central-government politicians still support the minister over his refusal to acknowledge the legality of the KRG oil contracts, Shahristani’s failure to halt a slide in Iraqi oil production this year has prompted a tide of criticism about his management of the sector. Oil production of 2.3m-2.4m b/d this year is below the level produced before the 2003 US-led invasion. Southern crude output in the first half was averaging just 1.6m-1.7m b/d, down from a mid-2008 peak of 2.0m b/d.


Vediamo nel dettaglio la situazione, per mezzo dei chiari grafici riportati dal FT

Siti destinati all’estrazione di Petrolio Greggio

West Qurna


South Rumalia


A Zubair, vicino a Bassora ed a sud di Nassiriya, l’ENI ha proposto un’offerta in associazione con la cinese Sinopec.


(per continuare la lettura cliccare su “2”)

Bai Hassan

Siti destinati all’estrazione di Gas Naturale

Ad Akkas, l’EDISON è l’unico concorrente attuale, in associazione con la malase Petronas, la cinese CNPC, la turca TPAO e la sud coreana GAS Corp.




A Mansuriayah non si è presentato ancora alcun pretendente.