Elezioni in Israele

Benjamin Netanyahu, candidato alle elezioni in Israele

Domani si apriranno i seggi per l’elezione del Primo Ministro Israeliano, tra Benyamin Netanyahu, il leader del Likud, e la candidata del partito centrista Kadima, Tzipi Livni, Ministro degli Esteri.

[ad]Gli ultimi sondaggi di Haaretz danno in gran vantaggio il Likud.

   The opinion polls are responding in kind: Likud opened a large, decisive lead of six MKs over Kadima. The right-wing bloc, led by Likud, is also firming up in comparison to previous polls, with 64 MKs versus 56 for the center-left. In effect, the right is much stronger than the center left, since its count also includes 11 MKs from the Arab parties: They will not be asked to join the governing coalition and in the current political climate their only use will be as part of a “preventive bloc” in the Knesset.

Qui potete trovare alcuni sondaggi

Rosner’s Domain: Rosner’s election poll trend


Il Guardian invece risulta essere meno definitivo sul risultato

   Israeli election too close to call according to latest polls.

Gap between rightwing Netanyahu and centrist Livni narrowing before Tuesday’s election. Final opinion polls published today before next week’s Israeli elections suggest the race between the rightwing Benjamin Netanyahu and his rival Tzipi Livni, the centrist foreign minister, may be too close to call. Although all polls still put Netanyahu, leader of the Likud opposition party, ahead, his lead has shrunk and there are thought to be as many as 20% of voters who are still undecided before Tuesday’s vote. The latest polls suggest Netanyahu would take between 25 and 27 seats in the 120-seat Knesset, ahead of Livni’s Kadima party with 23 to 25 seats. As always in Israeli elections, the future prime minister would still need to build a sizeable coalition in order to lead a government.

Benjamin Netanyahu, candidato alle elezioni in IsraeleSu IsraelnationaNews leggiamo

Polls: Likud to Win, but Yisrael Beiteinu the Likely Victor
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

The five major polls of three Israeli dailies and two television channels show the lineup as follows:

Likud (Netanyahu), 26
Kadima (Livni), 23
Yisrael Beiteinu (Lieberman), 18
Labor (Barak), 16
Shas (Yishai), 10


Secondo il Jpost, apprendiamo un trend interessante tra i vari elettori israeliani

Poll: Right-wing voters more undecided than Left

More right-wing voters have yet to decide whom to vote for than left-wing ones, a poll released on Sunday by the right-wing grassroots group Mattot Arim shows. Forty-three percent of respondents opposed the creation of an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank, while 35% said they supported it, according to the telephone poll of 1,106 undecided voters carried out on February 2-3. This was followed by Shas, at 79%, UTJ at 73%, Likud at 72%, Habayit Hayehudi at 62%, Israel Beiteinu at 60%, Kadima at 36%, Labor at 36% and Meretz at 6%

According to the Ma’ariv-Teleseker poll, Likud is still the leading party with 27 Knesset seats, losing one seat to Israel Beiteinu, which is slated to win 17 seats in the upcoming elections. Kadima has narrowed the gap with Likud and is predicted to win 23 mandates. Labor, according to the poll, remains steady with 17 mandates.

Per maggiori informazioni sulle Elezioni in Israele, sulle modalità di voto e Knesset, il Jpost offre una serie di Q&A utili a riguardo.